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What is a wordsmith?

How do we guide students to become wordsmiths?

We are striving to understand just that.

We also know we aren’t perfect. I learned from colleague, Syd,  a special term for imperfection. Let me quote her explanation:

Wabi-sabi is a Japanese aesthetic centering on imperfection, impermanence, and incompleteness.

We are all striving perfection, yet when we are learning, we must look for the best, forgive the imperfections, and learn to improve. We hope here to encourage learning by noticing both our imperfections and our excellence.

Please join our journey on the path to perfection, even as we celebrate our wabi-sabi. Please read how you can join in our Welcome.


Sheri Edwards     Contact

One thought on “About

  1. Sheri, I like the idea of applying wabi sabi to one’s learning journey. We are all imperfect beings, but it’s what makes us so unique and if you look at it on an evolutionary scale, we’ve evolved to where we are based on nature’s experimental thrust (hehe…that’s sounds funny, but you get my drift). The quest to learn and to understand is, in my humble opinion, what makes us such beautiful and profound freaks of nature. ;o)

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